Kicking off the first episode of the podcast I talk with my friend Allan Branch about his experiences raising his two children while running a software company in Florida. We cover topics of homeschooling, not keeping up with the Joneses, and his desires to travel the world on a boat with his family while teaching his kids how to be curious. Allan has a unique perspective on how curiosity is the key to education and lifetime learning. He weaves that into everything that he does with his … [Read more...]
5 Tips on Parenting from Dan Martell
Recently Dan Martell recorded a video on this advice for parenting. Surprisingly for a guy that has done so much in the business world the advice was very down to earth and it was encouraging to hear his commitment to his family. I'd love to have him on the podcast in the future to dive a little more in detail on these but here are the points he made in the video. … [Read more...]
Is Discontent Always Negative?
I listened to a podcast recently about a guy that completely rebooted his life after he experienced an evening in Madrid, Spain. This guy had dinner amongst friends in the Spanish tradition, one that starts dinner after 9pm and includes lots of wine-fueled socializing and lingering while multiple meal courses are consumed. Far away from the typical microwave food consumption that is the norm in American culture. This stark contrast of experiences was enough to cause the author to reconsider many … [Read more...]
Make the Time – You Can’t Afford Not To
A friend of mine wrote a post about how successful people make the time. It is genius mostly because it labels it correctly as a SKILL. So often we get trapped into a cycle of thinking that having time is only something other people have or only a matter of consequence. Or worse yet, its something that will happen in the future. These are all wrong. People that want to get stuff done make the time, and yes it comes at a price. … [Read more...]
Impulse Actions and Rocket Launches
Reason can be a good thing, and I have written about the value of going with your gut. That being said, I have found that too often I get in a rut of staying inside the "norms" of life and not doing little things to expand my kids experiences. It is far too easy to say "no" and keep on saying "no" or "that's too dangerous". … [Read more...]